

Thursday, 23 May 2019


The peak of Season 8.

level 1
I can hear the bells4.7k points·14 hours ago
Gods, remember the dread we felt that week thinking they were all fucked? I would have had so much more respect for this season's writing if E3 was a wholesale slaughter

level 2
2.6k points·12 hours ago
Sam was on the frontline and survived. Says it all

level 3
1.6k points·12 hours ago
Jorah was in the first charge and was the last to die

level 4
The Dothraki charged in, all died, sacked king’s landing 2 episodes later, and then assimilated into Westerosi culture an episode after that

level 5
...off-camera LOL

level 6
310 points·6 hours ago
Everything was off-camera this season, it was infuriating.

level 7
The whole battle of Winterfell may as well have been off-camera. It's not like we actually got to see it.

level 8
HBO kinda forgot about light

level 9
65 points·5 hours ago
But we got that great logical dramatic scene of Bran warging into crows and doing fuck all.
Ugh, God I really loathed this season. Unforgivable

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level 5
121 points·7 hours ago
This seems like a good time to point out that ANY Dothraki would either have instantly decapitated Melisandre after her flaming arakh party trick, or instantly ridden for the hills, given their fear & hatred of Maegi.

level 6
Especially since she came from the direction of the enemy for some reason and greeted Jorah, who doesn't actually know her but probably thinks "oh cool, a mystery lady is always good luck before a fight".

level 6
40 points·5 hours ago
Well they have been living with 3 dragons for years..

level 5
These barbarians murder-fuck us, we're cool with them now.

level 6
We crossed the sea to kill and pillage, our Queen is murdered. Fuck it let's all become farmers.

level 7
“I finally rest and watch the sun rise on a grateful
universe Westeros”

level 7
Bugger me with a spear. Rich rewards she said, meaning gold. If we wanted to farm in the dirt, we'd of stayed bloody home.

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level 5
40 points·8 hours ago
So the Dothraki have a faster respawn time than Jesus

level 6
Cheats activated. Keep inventory on. Spawn point set.

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level 5
Yeah I just don't see them or the Unsullied blending in much. But these are small details compared to everything else.

level 6
The unsullied left for Naath

level 7
55 points·7 hours ago
I hope they're fond of butterflies. I hear Naath has pretty ones.

level 8
I keep seeing references to this, what’s the deal with Naath, the unsullied and the butterflies?
I’m completely drawing a blank on it if it was in the show, and I’ll admit I didn’t read the books.

level 9
Never mentioned in the show, but on Naath there are butterflies which infect any outsider with a deadly disease.
The natives are immune, but if you're not from Naath you're going to suffer a horrible death in a few hours once you set foot on the island. The only way to avoid infection is arriving at night and leaving before sunrise, since the butterflies aren't active during dark. Pirates use this method to raid the island and kidnap natives to sell into slavery.

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level 9
Naath has butterflies that spread a disease that makes you die a horrible death. The natives are immune. It's discussed in the supplementary book The World of Ice and Fire.

level 7
Even if they hadn’t, they would have lasted for a generation and that’s it.

level 8
18 points·7 hours ago
That's one of the numerous reasons why Davos' suggestion to found a new house was funny. Don't you need heirs for that?

level 9
Davos noticed that the Unsullied learnt reproduction by mitosis, so he thought founding an house possible.

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level 3
Sam was gonna die, and then Jon saw that and chose not to save him, then he lived anyways.
The main problems with this season is that actions either do not have consequences or they do not follow much in the way of logic.

level 4
Jon was probably like: "Fuck the dude has better plot armor than I do, he doesn't need backup."

level 5
92 points·8 hours ago
Sam have tears forged in dragonfire and their touch burns the walkers!

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level 4
Sam had to go on to live to tell a topical democracy joke. My biggest problem is that the show kept characters alive to do what? They didn't even serve purpose!

level 5
159 points·7 hours ago
They kept those characters alive, because it was the only thing they had left. Remember how rich the world felt in early seasons? In the last seasons it's basically an empty world with 10 or so main characters interacting with each other. It's like a soap opera.

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level 4
Plus Sam dying would mean the writers wouldn't have to deal with the coimplicated parts of his story : breaking two sets of vows by having kids with a wildling, and flunking out and stealing stuff from the Citadel (which would severely limit his chances to become a Maester which was supposed to be the only way he'd become useful).
If he had died not only it could have made the stories of other characters better, and not have required some much suspension of disbelief to give him a happy ending.

level 5
Jokes on you, Sam lives and they still didn't have to deal with the breaking of vows.

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level 4
94 points·8 hours ago
The worst part about that is when you try to explain "there's no logic to why they're alive" to any of the kneelers they say "hurr dragons magic..logggiccc??"

level 5
92 points·7 hours ago
yOuR'e JuSt MaD cOs ThE sHoW dIdN't EnD lIkE yOu WaNtEd

level 6
Why can't they understand that we never particularly cared how it ended or whether our theories were right, as long as it could be well justified based on what we had seen, and there was good character development and story

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level 6
It's even worse since for the most part, i'm fine with the ending. Fookin kneelers.

level 7
Me too, the main plot points i'm ok with, so long as it makes sense.
Which it fucking doesn't.

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level 4
83 points·8 hours ago
If Sam actually died due to that, and we got to see Jon absolutely destroyed by it I might have liked that episode a bit

level 5
33 points·6 hours ago
Just my two cents but edd died purely because of Sam and literally nothing happened Sam didn't even really care lol

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level 4
24 points·7 hours ago
The main problems with this season is that actions either do not have consequences or they do not follow much in the way of logic.
or are completely out of character.

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level 3
I just kind of forget about my flair45 points·8 hours ago
Which fucking named character wasn't on the fucking frontline? We saw multiple fake out deaths and characters being saved in the last possible seconds. Yikes. We saw nearly everyone die.... but who were all fighting as the last people standing? Yeah, that was garbage that I wouldn't even expect to see in a cheap superhero movie.

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level 3
87 points·9 hours ago
And survived for what? He didn't do anything after.

level 4
85 points·8 hours ago
No one did anything this season tbh

level 5
102 points·8 hours ago
Jon yelled at a dragon

level 6
If they had to kill the second dragon, have him attack and die to the undead dragon to give Jon time to get to bran. Hell, have Bran warg into it to attack the undead dragon to give robot wheels something to fucking do.
Have Jon and the NK duel and have the NK overpower Jon, but in a close fight, and then have Arya, wearing Berics face as a wight, stab the night king in the back, a throwback to the tower of joy fight.

level 7
33 points·7 hours ago·edited 6 hours ago
After looking at random redditors write these alternate plots, i'm convinced D&D wrote the entire script of this season tripping major balls in like 5 minutes.
Edit: i take that back. Someone tripping balls on acid or something would probably write a better script. They probably shot up some heroin or sonething.

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level 6
18 points·8 hours ago
That was dumb af

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level 3
Sam has the thickest plot armor because he apparently wrote the book the show was based off of.

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level 2
I mean, I was counting the characters as they fell like flies in the battle: “that’s one... ok, there’s two... .... ... uhhh .... ... ... alright they’re all swinging away with their backs against the wall, ok ... oh yeah Sam’s a goner... Theon, that’s three... uhhh.... wait Sam got up ... and the others are all still there??! Oh ok Jorah.”
Four. The freaking count was four.

level 3
I can hear the bells74 points·12 hours ago
could have been more believable if they had been in towers or whatever. But the Unsullied get a legit tsunami of wights and Brienne is standing 300 feet away and survives.

level 4
Don’t forget in the tsunami of wights scene GW was on the front line and somehow survived too

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level 2
601 points·13 hours ago
This. It was the first time the white walkers faced a proper army and they simply just get defeated. All that amazing build up from previous seasons is thrown out the window simply to artificially end the plot line.
A massacre by the WW would've hammered in the point that they're not an enemy that can be solo'd and need the seven kingdoms to work together.
But no, so much potential but it all ends flat.

level 3
536 points·11 hours ago·edited 9 hours ago
This. It was the first time the white walkers faced a proper army and they simply just get defeated.
Well, no, it's even worse than that.
For all intents and purposes the WW completely won the battle for winterfell. The castle was completely overrun, the NK and posse were able to just stroll through to the gods wood. All of winterfell's armies were completely destroyed. Yet... only 1 main character died... and next episode half the armies are back. It was as if nothing even happened.
It's the worst possible way to write a battle.

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