

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Omojuwa tried to expose the ignorance of some Nigerians with a single Twitter poll but majority knew better

Lol. Omojuwa exposes the ignorance of some Nigerians with a single Twitter poll

This is not hilarious! Political commentator, Omojuwa took to Twitter to ask Nigerians a question and the replies will leave you laughing..

He started out by saying we have a drug problem in Nigeria, then asked Twitter users  what they will do if they caught a friend consuming "Oryza Sativa". The replies clearly show that the most people had idea what Oryza Sativa means or at least  where able to search google for answers..
oh yes we were all thought botanical names in secondary schools, but i would really term the poll shameful if and only if it was directed to science students in Nigeria and the pulled that percentage... some nations would do worst, if you think am lying throw same question to the american social media.
to those that want to know the meaning of ORYZA SATIVA CLICK HERE

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