

Friday, 9 October 2015

Napoleon is always right; the Nigerian tragedy

In 1914,two entities were amalgamated together to form what we call Nigeria today. One section was made by the amalgamators to be at advantage to the other and have continue to maintain this political advantage till this day.
In 1966 a few junior officers mostly of the major rank carried out an unsuccessful coup that later culminated into the long months of civil war.
Reasons for the coup according to the plotters is the unsatisfactory disposition of the leadership at that time, though it was termed a sectionized coup,Napoleon was right.. Successive and counter coup after the civil war anchored on the premises that Napoleon is always right meanwhile the economy of a once upon a time great country was depreciating at an increasing rate. Fast track years later, 1998 Nigeria lost one of it finest military junta, dictator and looter in the name of sani abacha. In some quarters Napoleon was right while in some Napoleon was confused. Twilights of this monumental disgrace and psyche of Napoleon is always right is been witness in the current mess of the Democratic government Nigeria has been beseech from 1999 to 2015, Government that rules with propaganda and lies is the other of the day.. My candid advice to Nigerians is to arise and shun the hypocrisy of Napoleon is always right, take our destiny by our hands, ignore the political ejomonkukus to create a new facet of substance oriented and patriotic citizens. The earlier the better, if not, we will all wake up one morning to the reality that there is no country to call our own..dakkada #dakkada..Nigerians EDAKKA EDA.by Eddy-rz cardinal

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