

Sunday, 4 October 2015

There is a huge and fundamental shift happening in the computing world right now. It is the disruption of an operating system monopoly and the introduction of something new. Android is the something new. Android will monopolize the entire computing industry. Everything else will become small niches. What really drives android is that it is a professionally made OS, maintained by many smart people, that is completely free. It runs efficiently on mobile devices, so will also run on all types of hardware. It is coded in Java, which is one of the default University languages. Android apps will be trivial to port to any other OS because they are in Java. So, apps written for Android will easily be available elsewhere. Huge parts of the world, in particular in emerging markets are getting an Android as their first proper computing device. They are comfortable with the interface. Android does not have the legacy Windows and other mouse-based Operating Systems had. It is modern and designed for modern hardware. Developing for iOS, BB, Windows Phone, etc is pointless. Have your web app, your mobile web app and your android client. That’s all you will need. Android is driving a fundamental change in the OS landscape, and it is the platform to bet big on.  By Mark Essien 

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