The other F4 members look on in
amazement as Jan-di clomps over to the
fallen Jun-pyo, demanding, “Did you see me
sleeping around with a man? Did you even
see me holding hands? How dare you say all
that about a chaste and pure girl who hasn’t
even had her first kiss yet!”
She warns one last time, “If you keep up
these filthy tricks, I’ll really kill you then!”
One might think that this show of defiance
would piss off the Almighty Jun-pyo, but
later that night, he sits alone, chuckling to
himself. Woo-bin asks why he’s so amused.
Jun-pyo: “Haven’t you guys caught on yet?”
With supreme satisfaction, he announces,
“That chick’s totally into me.” That makes no
sense to the other guys, but Jun-pyo
Jun-pyo : “Think about it. She
didn’t want the guy she likes to
misunderstand, so she came
herself to insist she was pure and
Yi-jung : “Following that logic –”
Woo-bin : “– saying she hadn’t
had her first kiss –”
Jun-pyo : “– is her way of saying
she’s waiting for her first kiss
from me.”
Yi-jung , clapping: “Bravo.
Impressive, Gu Jun-pyo. You’re my
friend, but that’s really
Relieved at this gratifying revelation, Jun-pyo
attributes Jan-di’s extreme hate of him to
“thinking she could fool me by acting mad.”
It is HILARIOUS, and Lee Min-ho is adorable.
The next day at school, Jan-di lies low,
wanting to avoid more encounters with the
Almighty Jun-pyo. Men in suits approach and
ask her to accompany them, but won’t
identify their boss.
She declines, and hides (in a painfully
exaggerated sequence) as she sneaks her
way across campus, only to be accosted at
the last minute. She’s shoved into a waiting
vehicle, then drugged.
She awakens on a massage table in a
luxurious room, and is subjected to all sorts
of painful beautifying processes like waxing.
Here, I wish they’d employed a bit more
logic, because Jan-di goes along with the
makeup, hair, and dressing sessions —
confused, but not really protesting. Never
mind that she still doesn’t know whose home
she is in, or why she is there. Then again, I
suppose if someone were lavishing clothes,
jewels, and spa treatments on me, my guard
would be down too.
The attendant (butler?) tells her that this is
the first time that “the young master” has
brought home a girl, although I suppose that
requires a pretty loose definition of “bringing
The butler can’t tell her why she’s here,
because he doesn’t know, either. He
deposits her at a door where someone is
waiting for her; Jan-di enters cautiously and
sees a tall figure standing at the window,
and guesses, “Ji-hoo?”
Disappointedly realizing she’s at Jun-pyo’s
family estate, Jan-di is immediately
suspicious, and puts up her dukes: “What
are you going to do this time?”
Jun-pyo turns her toward a mirror and tells
her to look: “See, money can turn even an
ugly duckling into a heron.” Jan-di: “Don’t
you mean swan?”
Indignant, Jan-di retorts that she didn’t ask
him for this, but he’s wrapped up in his own
smug misconception, and tells her, “If you
like me, just say so.” When she doesn’t
respond, he recalls, “Right, you like to talk in
opposites, don’t you?” (O, delusion, he is
King of it.)
Jan-di accuses him of illegally kidnapping
her. Jun-pyo assures her, “Nobody’s around,
so you can be open about liking me here.
From now on, I’ll be willing to make an
exception and recognize you outside of
Jan-di is completely speechless. He
continues: “If you just do as I say, when
nobody’s around I can treat you as the
Almighty Jun-pyo’s girlfriend.”
Jan-di wonders if his brain has been addled
by too much greasy food, and turns to leave.
Showing the first sign of anxiety, Jun-pyo
blocks her from leaving. He tells her that
she’s currently wearing 100 million won’s
worth ($77,000), “But that’s nothing. If
you’re with me, you can enjoy more than that
every day. Are you saying you don’t want it?
Are you crazy?”
Jan-di bristles: “The moment I see your face,
it feels like bugs are crawling all over my
body.” She takes off her jewelry and throws
it on the ground, then reaches to unzip her
dress (before remembering Jun-pyo’s
watching — rather intently, I might add —
and insists he return her uniform).
Jan-di: “You don’t seem to know this, but
you can’t buy friends with money. Friends
bond through feelings.” Jun-pyo replies,
“There’s nothing you can’t buy,” and tells her
to contradict him if she can. She can’t think
of anything.
After Jan-di leaves, Jun-pyo rages against
his employees, stomping on the discarded
dress and telling his butler to throw away
the dress and fire everyone who worked on
Jan-di today.
Jan-di remembers too late that she’s still
wearing the borrowed high heels, takes them
off, and throws them over the gate — just as
Ji-hoo finds her outside and wonders what
she’s doing. He laughs: “You’re always in a
dramatic situation.”
Jan-di asks Ji-hoo, “Is there anything in the
world you can’t buy?” Dejected, she figures
there isn’t, but perks up when Ji-hoo
answers after a moment of thinking, “Air.”
Amused at her happy reaction to finding one
unbuyable thing, Ji-hoo ruffles her hair and
calls her “a really fun kid.” As he gets up to
leave, he tosses her his sneakers, since
she’s now barefoot. Jan-di watches him
zoom off on his motorcycle with a smile.
She tries to return the shoes the next day by
visiting the F4 lounge, but Yi-jung and Woo-
bin inform her that Jun-pyo isn’t around. She
grumbles that she doesn’t care about him,
and asks them to give the shoes to Ji-hoo.
The guys know they owe their recent
entertainment to Jan-di, and invite her to
have some tea while she fills them in on her
latest encounter with Jun-pyo. Seeing a
commercial of Min Seo-hyun on TV, the guys
mention that Ji-hoo ought to be happy that
Seo-hyun is coming back to Korea soon.
She asks if Ji-hoo is acquainted with Seo-
hyun, and learns that after his parents’
death, he’d retreated into autism (I
remember hearing it was Asperger’s, which
is a mild form of autism). Seo-hyun was the
only one able to draw him out of himself,
and became something of “a first love,
girlfriend, and mother.” This information
drags Jan-di into a funk, so much so that
she even cuts dinner short, feeling
inadequate next to the glamorous model.
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